
Precision Glass Processing

Once we've acquired the finest raw materials, the magic truly begins. Our state-of-the-art facilities in Turkey and China are equipped with cutting-edge technology and experienced staff to process the goods for different purposes upon the preference of each customer.

Cutting to Size: Whether you need large sheets or complex shapes, our precision cutting machines ensure accuracy down to the millimeter. We customize glass to your exact specifications, ensuring a perfect fit for your project.

Polishing: The finishing touch that adds both elegance and safety. Our polishing techniques not only enhance the appearance of the glass but also eliminate any sharp places in entire periphery of glass pieces, making it safe for handling and installation.

Rounding: Smooth, rounded corners can make all the difference in the aesthetics and safety of a glass product. Our craftsmen expertly round the edges of glass, enhancing both its appearance and usability.

Drilling: For those requiring drilled holes for specialized applications, our team can precisely drill holes in glass to accommodate handles, fixtures, or any other specific requirements.

Tempering: For customers using safety glasses an alternative to laminated glasses. Available for different width as 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm.


At CleanedbyClean, we believe that the journey from raw materials to finished glass products is an art form in itself. Our dedication to quality, precision, and customization ensures that each piece of glass we produce is not just a product; it's a masterpiece crafted to meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations. When you choose CleanedbyClean, you choose glass products that represent perfection from start to finish.